Friends of Cafe Track
Here are the businesses who have signed up to become a Friend of Cafe Track so far. Would you like to support autistic people to access employment?
For further details of how you can support autistic people to access employment please email
Issured Limited are very proud and privileged to be given the opportunity to support TRACK - a social enterprise formed last year in Northamptonshire. TRACK support autistic people to access employment through training, consultancy and creating opportunities. The work they are doing is making a huge impact on businesses by opening the door to a largely untapped pool of highly talented and skilled resources. Let’s not forget that some of the greatest minds had autism, such as Alan Turing, the “father of computing” and recent BBC 2 Icons winner."
We are pleased to become a Friend of Track and support their goals to champion autistic people in the workplace. One of our core values at Piroto is ‘teamwork’ and we recognise the importance of having a diverse team, embracing difference and promoting inclusivity
Northampton Town Football Club are #ProudToBe a friend of Track NN Limited. Track NN Limited offers a fantastic route into work experience and employment for many people who have skills and qualities that would be of huge benefit to potential employers. We encourage any Cobblers fans who might be in the town centre and in need of refreshment to pop in to Track on the Market Square, experience the excellent service on offer and show their support.
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“All Things Business are delighted to become a Friend of Track. We have already been working together in a number of ways including creating opportunities for people to visit our workplace. The work which TRACK is doing will help not only the individuals they work with but also the business whom they are supporting”
Since forming in 2013, we have worked with clients around the world and across public, private and third sectors. With our expertise and experience in creating digital learning, we save you time and money while providing exceptional quality in all of our services to you.
We consider ourselves a social business, volunteering our time to a number of charities, schools, businesses and individuals on a range of schemes and projects.
We're proud that our #CommunityInvestmentPlan partners are celebrating their 5th birthday by highlighting some of the great work they've been doing. If you're local to Northampton, pop in for a great coffee and an even greater cause.
ACS Recruitment are excited to be working in partnership with Track NN – we are proud to be helping autistic people gain opportunities in employment and have already seen promising uptake from our extensive client base across the town. We pride ourselves on promoting such joint ventures and are excited to see where this leads us and we grow together with Track.
“Jackson Grundy are delighted to have been offered the opportunity to support such a valuable social enterprise. We know Tom well and are certain his energy and positivity will open many new and exciting opportunities to autistic people residing in and around Northamptonshire, as well as broadening the horizons of local employers.”
"Business Data Group is a company familiar with autism where ASC is known and supported by all who work here, and we are proud and privileged to back the great work done by Track NN in supporting adults with autism find meaningful paid employment. Both through supporting businesses in understanding the value that employees on the spectrum can bring to the workplace, and also helping adults get into work."
We are delighted to welcome Addition+ as a Friend of Cafe Track with lots of exciting news to follow
We are delighted to welcome NNBN as a Friend of Cafe Track with lots of exciting news to follow
We are delighted to welcome Northampton Town Centre Hotel as a Friend of Cafe Track with lots of exciting news to follow
You will be aware that TRACK has been set up to support autistic people to access employment. Currently just 16% of autistic adults are in full time employment, this is something which must change.
Through our training and consultancy we are now working in partnership with national and local employers to ensure their business is aware and accepting of autism in the workplace.
Café Track in Northampton Market Square, is supporting individuals to access work through mentoring, job search and application support and also linking with employers to provide personalised support to ensure individuals are successful.
Our outcomes so far? We have already supported 85 people into paid roles, and arranged over 150 work placements and work trials at a variety of settings, and we want to do even more.
As a Social Enterprise, profits from the business are reinvested to support even more people to access employment, and as such through becoming a Friend of Track you will be supporting us to help people access employment.