TRACK NN Limited are delighted to announce that we have been appointed as an approved specialist mentor for Autism Forward. This means that eligible candidates can get up to £1500 of personalised employment mentoring support.
Mentoring support can range for job search, through to CV preparation, interview preparation and support at interview and can also support once in employment to support transition into the workplace. The mentoring can take place in a variety of methods including phone, skype, face to face or a combination of methods to best suit the individual.
“We contacted Autism Forward and found them to be a fantastic organisation who share our passion for supporting people on the autism spectrum to access employment. The funding mentoring will allow us to support people through each step of the employment process, with personalised goals and regular communication to ensure support is provided in the most suitable way possible”
- Director of Track NN, Tom Cliffe
Contact TRACK NN for an initial consultation free of charge, and we can then start supporting you to access employment. TRACK NN supports people on the autism spectrum to access employment through training, consultancy and creating opportunities.
Applicants must be aged 18 or over and provide written evidence of their diagnosis of an autism spectrum condition, or written evidence that they are actively seeking such a diagnosis.
For more details on TRACK nn Limited visit www.track.org.uk and for Autism Forward visit www.autismforward.org.uk