When it came to this week’s blog, the main question was what to blog about? Over the past weeks we have looked at a variety of topics which we feel have been important in terms of starting discussions and raising awareness, and more importantly, workplace acceptance of autism.
As an organisation we pride ourselves on the fact that we listen to the people we work with and will treat everyone as individuals. The feedback from our posts has on the whole been positive, and where we may have got things wrong, we are always willing to learn from feedback. From the outset our aim has been to support people on the autism spectrum to access employment, through training, consultancy and creating opportunities.
So the main point of this week’s blog is to find out what you would like us to cover in future blog posts. Here are some suggestions of potential topics, but we would really like to hear your suggestions!
Guest Bloggers – maybe an autistic individual’s view on their current employment, or their journey to accessing employment.
Autism in a warehouse/retail/office setting – Feel free to specify which areas you would like to see.
Supporting Autistic colleagues.
The ‘unwritten rules’ in a workplace
Autism Theories
The questions you want to ask employers
Please do give us your suggestions and feedback on what you would like to hear about in future weeks. The Café purchase is now in the process of being finalised, so we hope to be able to share future details of this in the forthcoming weeks as well.
We believe that with small changes the workplace can become so much more accessible to people who want to work. From my experience the majority of autistic people do not want charity, they want opportunity. Work with us to help a create spectrum of opportunities which will benefit all of those involved.
Contact us and find out how we can work together. Thomas@track.org.uk