Each week I will try and share with you what has happened during the previous week, as we work to ensure that we can support autistic people to access employment. Last week it was confirmed that another individual we were working with has accessed paid employment, and we want to do so much more!
The week started off with the launch of our #100inApri1 promotion – our aim is to provide training for 100 employees from businesses across Northants and MK during Autism awareness month. Whilst we recognise that we cannot just focus on autism for a day or a month, we also recognise that increased exposure can only help us meet our overall aims of getting people into employment.
Education, Business and working together
As part of our commitment to support people I have also signed up as an Enterprise Advisor to work with Isebrook School in Kettering, and our discussion this week was about working with businesses to come into school and share their experiences of the “world of work” and will be looking into this further during the next week.
We also provided mentoring for an employer and an employee – this is something which I will explain further in a future blog (not personal details but just more about how Access to Work funding can work)
Creating a Social Echo

Tuesday saw me visit the House of Lords to listen to the launch of the #SocialEcho manifesto with Lord Bird and various other enterprises from across the UK. Great to hear about how people are looking to work together to create a much bigger #socialecho – small changes can make a massive difference.
The rest of the week involved the launch of Northampton as a Social Enterprise Town, attending a meeting about potentially provider services for local authorities and also the fantastic #TechWomeNN event organised by Digital Northampton and Café Track was chosen as one of the host venues for this.
It has certainly been a busy week! Time for a Sunday Afternoon Roast Dinner now, but will keep you updated during the week about what we do and be sure to follow all of our social media pages for the most up to date work

About us
TRACK NN is supporting autistic people to access employment through training, consultancy and creating opportunities
CAFÉ TRACK – based in Northampton Market Square – As well as providing fantastic food and drink, we are also providing the opportunity for people to develop their employability skills. Come and give us a try!